On Fri, April 15, 2005 5:08 am, Mario de Frutos Dieguez said:
> I have another little question hehe :D, i have a page with a form where
> the user insert data and can click in a new,edit or delete button. I've
> make that when a button is clicked the page refresh and in the head of
> the page i have conditions like this: if ($_POSt["buttonNew"]!="") {
> insert commands.. } , etc
> My question is, how can i unset $_POST["buttonNew"] or leave it empty
> because when the user refresh the page make insert commans again because
> the $_POST["buttonNew"] arent empty.

The POST data is sent by the browser, so you can't really alter that...

But you can bury an http://php.net/md5 or other random token in the FORM,
and put that token in a table in your database, and then on the first
POST, you mark that token as "used"

On the second POST, a re-load, you can detect that the token was "used"
and do whatever you want.  Re-direct the user, ignore them completely,
give them an error message, blow up their computer.  Well, okay, you can
do almost whatever you want.

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