Jay Blanchard wrote:
> [snip]
> echo ("<div class=pmini> <h1> $row[1] </h1> <p> Location- $row[4] <br>
> Property Type- $ptype<br>Min Price- $row[9] </div>");
> it gives an error..
> Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_CLASS in
> /home/real/public_html/functions.php on line 162
> Any idea..why? Probably any stupid mistake .. :(
> [/snip]
> Takes the parentheses out.
> echo "<div class=pmini> <h1> $row[1] </h1> <p> Location- $row[4] <br>
> Property Type- $ptype<br>Min Price- $row[9] </div>";
> From http://www.php.net/echo "echo() is not actually a function (it is a
> language construct) so you are not required to use parentheses with it.
> In fact, if you want to pass more than one parameter to echo, you must
> not enclose the parameters within parentheses."

Removed the ()..still the same error :(.. am copying complete function..if its because of something else...

function showProperty($filter, $by, $value)
$query="SELECT * FROM `Property` WHERE ".$by." = '".$value."' ORDER BY DateAdded DESC";

       $query="SELECT * FROM `Property`ORDER BY DateAdded DESC;

$ptype= getName('propertyTypes', 'id', $row[8] , 'Name');
echo "<div class=pmini> <h1> $row[1] </h1> <p> Location- $row[4] <br> Property Type- $ptype<br>Min Price- $row[9] </div>";

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