Sorry, but i have had NO problems with PHP Designer 2005 I have it running on 3 machines...never a problem with memory usage....i think it is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Jason Barnett wrote:

The Disguised Jedi wrote:

Some might consider this OT, but I need to figure this out somehow, and google has been no help.

I downloaded and installed PHP Designer 2005, and I really like it so far, but I'm having some problems. Any time it is running, my CPU Usage goes up to 100% and the process "phpDesignerPrg.exe" is the culprit. My fan kicks into overdrive, and my laptop gets really warm. The funny thing is, any time

I've never used this program and no offense to you but I'm not going to download it if it's going to eat my CPU. ;)

If the vendor doesn't provide the customer support that you need then it might be time to get another vendor. What does PHP Designer 2005 do? If it's just an IDE then there are other (well supported) options out there including VIM, Zend, Crimson...

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