Murray @ PlanetThoughtful wrote: [ snipped ]
when u upload it name it dynamiccaly by appending date and time before the file name like this
Hi, yes, I'm already doing this. Conflict of filename isn't my issue -- it's whether or not the file should be uploaded at all, in the first place.
The difficulty being that you can't examine the file until *after* it has been uploaded.
As others have suggested, using an ftp client application is one way to handle it, however, users being users, the feedback has been "Why do we need to upload the files via an ftp client, *then* go to the web application and attach the filename to a job entry? Why can't we do it all at once?"
The answer being, "Well, you can, but I bet you're going to be even more annoyed when you've uploaded a huge file via the web application using the POST upload method, only to find that the file is already there. Serves you right for having too many stakeholders in uploading the files, dunnit?"
Here is one thing you can try. Create a button that (using javascript) passes the name of the file to another script -- which then scans your files directory to see if the file exists already. If it does, it submits an alert or some other indication.
You will have to standardize on the file time. I would suggest that you only use the file's meta-data on the server so that users can check when the file was last updated on the server, not on their boxes. Some other information (like last uploaded by) would also be helpful from a user's standpoint.
Hope this helps, Burhan
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