Brandon Orther schrieb:
> I made a GD script that made an image with the name of whatever page I was
> in in my web site.  I would post info to it like this:
>  what ever I put for
> title it would make the image.  After reinstalling php4 on my win2000 box
> with apache it doesn't seem to get the $title variable.  Does anyone know
> what might be going wrong?

Check register_globals,
and make sure you're not trying to access a global variable from within
a function.

BTW, does your script contain <img src="button.php?label=whatever"> ? If
you you've written a perfect killer application. The webserver has to
handle your script ( 1st request => 1 process on the webserver) and all
the <img src="button.php...> (another request => 2. process on the
webserver). In case you embed 10 images that way, you'll get 10 + 1
processes on the webserver for 1 request done by the user. Image
creation should be done in the skript, never use button.php - throw away
all books and tutorials that tell you to do so.


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