
I'm developing a cache system. Which works in pseude code, like this:

class Cache {

 function Fetchdata($id1,$id2,$id3) {

   $id = md5($id1 . $id2 . $id3);
   if ($this->DataIsExpired($id)) return false;
  else return unserialize(file_get_contents($id));


function storeData($data,$id1,$id2,$id3) {

  $id = md5($id1 . $id2 . $id3);


$id1 $id2 and $id3 are when they are combined unique

* Is there a chance of collision when MD5 is used on the id's and the ids are long strings
* Is file_get_contents the fastest way to open the file?
* Is serialize the fastest way to serialize ;) ?
* Are there any other things I should consider? (I'm aware of file-locking issues, and have taken care of that)


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