On Wed, May 25, 2005 3:01 pm, Jack Jackson said:
>   Hi, dumb config issue.
> I'm putting a php_value include_path statement in an .htaccess file
>    php_value include_path
> ".:/home/user/public_html/dis/admin/:/home/nick/"
>    php_value auto_prepend_file
> /home/user/public_html/dis/admin/wcsconf.php
> and getting a 500 Server Error. Apache logs say, ".htaccess: php_value
> not allowed here"
> Where can I change this behavior - is this an apache httpd.conf or
> php.ini setting? Something else?

For sure in httpd.conf -- as Apache is the one complaining about php_value
not being allowed.

Probably your AllowOverrides settings are "off"...

I'm not an expert, though, and this probably now belongs on an Apache list

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