echo "<a name=\"".urlencode($mydata->district)."\"></a>";
<a name="Montr%E9al+District+%234"></a>

http://foo.org/_private/directory.php#Montr%E9al+District+%234 works in 
IE6, but Mozilla will not accept it.

Mozilla does not work. Am I approaching this wrong? Should I create my 
HTML this way?

echo "<a name=\"".$mydata->district."\"></a>";
<a name="Montréal District #4"></a>

If I do, Mozilla prferes this:


IE refuses it and prefers:


I'm not sure, but I see two things that might be causing this.  First, why are 
spaces, which should be translated as %20, being represented as a '+'?

Second, you have a # in the actual bookmark name, which I would assume is not 
valid since the # denotes the beginning of a bookmark.  So perhaps IE 
compensates for this, but Mozilla reads the bookmark as looking for <a 
name="4"></a> because of the #4 at the end of the bookmark name.



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