is it possible for $mydata->lastinsalled to have YYYY-MM-DD format? ie: 2004-05-31

you can use strtotime to convert it to unix timestamp to compare...something like this:

$stamp = strtotime('2004-06-31'); // $mydata->lastinsalled

if($stamp >= strtotime('1 year ago'))
   echo 'less than 1 year';
   echo 'over 1 year';

otherwise its impossible to tell if it is over one year without knowing the day as well.. unless you guess and figure on the first of the month..

John Taylor-Johnston wrote:

$mydata->lastinsalled = "2004-05";

How can I determne if $mydata->lastinsalled is one year or more older than the current $date("l-m");

Anyting simple and over looked? I have been browsing the manual::


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