Here's below the solution (the encryption will be shortly performed
into login.php).

1 <?php
2 session_start();

3 $_SESSION['session_user'] = $_POST['txtIdUtente'];
4 $_SESSION['session_password'] = $_POST['txtPassword'];

5 $PHPcmd = "login.php" ;

6 header( "Location: ".$PHPcmd );
7 ?>

But a QUESTION now :

if line 5 is replaced by these two lines, say here 5a and 5b:

5a require_once("");
5b $PHPcmd = $GLOBALS['gestionale_path_name']."phpcode/login/login.php" ;

this does not work (meaning user and psw are not passed to login.php);
but again the below code works again:

5a require_once("");
5b $PHPcmd = $gestionale_path_name."phpcode/login/login.php" ;



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