On Mon, June 6, 2005 5:32 am, Jack Jackson said:
> I'm trying to fetch similar things - in this case, rows which share a
> series ID no - and bring them into an array and display them grouped by
>   what makes them similar (in this case, series id). I looked at implode
> and explode which seem wrong for this - the only separator I can see is
> that they're each in a table cell.

$query = " select series_id, ... from ... ";
$query .= " ORDER BY series_id, ... ";
$art = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
$series = array();
while (list($series_id, ...) = mysql_fetch_row($art)){
  $series[$series_name][] = "<a href=$art_id>$art_title</a>";
while (list($name, $links) = each($series)){
  echo "<p>$name<br />", implode(" | ", $links), "</p>\n";

> The result of my query returns something like:
> art_id   series_id     art_title            series_name
> 2     1              Weddings 2004        Summer Special
> 4     1              Summer In The City   Summer Special
> 5       2              Bags of NY           Op-Art
> 7       2              Dogs of NY           Op-Art
> I'd like to create a list of links to each art_id grouped together as
> series, href code obviously not complete but demonstrative:
> <p>Summer Special<br />
> <a href='2'>Weddings 2004</a> | <a href='4'>Summer In The City</p>
> <p>Op-Art<br />
> <a href='5'>Bags of NY</a> | <a href='7'>Dogs of NY</p>

You could actually use:

ORDER BY series_date, series_name, series_id, art_id, art_title, art_id

or something like that, so long you are sorting first and foremost by the
SERIES information, and any other sorting happens AFTER all series_*

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