I agree 100% with Greg's comments for the goto() / ifsetor() discussion on the internals list. As far as speed goes if the dev team knew of ways to improve specific parts of the codebase (while maintaining the rest of the features available in PHP) then I'm confident they would make that change.

There was one comment on the internals list that perhaps the documentation should have a big fat red warning label that says "DO NOT USE THIS UNLESS YOU REALLY KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING". I guess the developers assume users actually read the manual, but I think this list has proved time and again that end users don't do this. ;) This is especially true for newbies (i.e. the ones most likely to get burned by using goto() all over their code).

PHP-dev team: at the moment you are supplying me with 95% of the features that I need with a base installation. Just focus on getting Unicode support, make it stable, and make it fast.

Teach a man to fish...

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