On Tuesday 17 April 2001 07:59, you wrote:
> can any one see a problem with this loop?

> while ( ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) ) {
> $id = $myrow["id"];
> $card = $myrow["card"];
> $serial = $myrow["serial"];
> $avail = $myrow["avail"];
> $pn = $myrow["pn"];
> $cat = $myrow["cat"];
> $box = $myrow["box"];
> $quote = $myrow["quote"];
> }
> ?>
> if i call say just $card it only displays the one record (the last
> one), the minute i try to call $myrow["card"]; i get nothing at all...
> any idea's?

Sure. Let's say you pull 4 records from the DB, with the "card" field set 
to "A", "B", "C" and "D" respectively. Now you loop over the records, 
setting $card to "A", then setting $card to "B", then to "C" and finally 
to "D". In other words: in each iteration you overwrite all previous 

> I have script identical to this that works perfectly .. only difference
> is this one has different names for the values

I don't believe that, sorry :)

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (http://sunsite.dk/lgdc/)

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