>>>>> ; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules)
>>>>> reside.
>>>>> extension_dir = "C:\PHP\extensions"
>>>>> I have also uncommented the 
>>>>> extension = php_gd2.dll
>>>>> I have in the c:\php\extension folder the php_gd2.dll 
>>>>> I have restarted IIS but still nothing
>>>>> I am using Window XP $ 2000 with IIS 5.0 but still nothing
>>>> what means 'nothing'? does it start? or does it report any errors?
>>>> what says phpinfo() about gd? 
>>> Well, this is the error i get
>>> PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
>>> 'c:/windows/system32\php_gd2.dll' - The specified module
>>> could not be found. in Unknown on line 0 
>>> I have also tried pointing the extension_dir to the
>>> c:/php/extension, but it still give the same error
>> did you check your Windows System Eventviewer?
>> this error doesnt mean that 'php_gd2.dll' can not found, but that
>> another dll, required by php_gd2.dll can not be found.
> I checked the even view but no help there. What dll do you
> think i would need?  Please I appreciate your help.

extension_dir = "c:\php\extensions\"


"Please do not forget the last backslash"

Sebastian Mendel

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