Aaron Todd wrote:

> I am posting data to a php script.  I have several variables that are the 
> same except the number at the end is different.  So the url of the called 
> script will be something like:
> http://www.something.com/test.php?name1=Sam&name2=Bill&name3=Joe
> On my script I am using substr() and strrchr() to get the number of last 
> variable:
> $names = substr(strrchr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'],"&"),7,1);
> I am then trying to run a loop to call each variable and just print it on 
> the screen:
> for($i=1;$i<=$boxes;$i++){
>   echo $_GET['name'].$i;
> }

did you tried foreach() with $_GET ( or $_REQUEST ) ?

foreach ( $_GET as $key => $var )
    echo $key . ' => ' . $var;

but this is not "incrementing a register global" but 'accessing a
superglobale array'

Sebastian Mendel

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