Hello All 
 I am running PHP5.0.2 over apache 1.3.29 and openssl-0.9.7d on a Debian 
 Php Configure command './configure' '--with-apxs=/www/bin/apxs' 
'--enable-trans-sid' '--disable-libxml' 
Registered PHP Streams : php, file, http, ftp 
Registered Stream Socket Transports : tcp, udp, unix, udg 
allow_url_fopen : On On 

Now when i try to open a https url via it gives me this error 

[Wed Jun 15 19:03:36 2005] [error] PHP Warning: fsockopen() [<a 
href='function.fsockopen'>func­tion.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to 
to find the socket transport
&quot;ssl&quot; - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?) 
in /www/htdocs/testcon.php on line 2 

I am trying to fix this from last few days but not successful can some 
please help me its very urgent. 
Do I need to register ssl and https as registered php streams? and if 
so how do i register them. 

Dhaval Choksi

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