Jason Barnett wrote:
Jay Blanchard wrote:

Close... I think array keys are preserved from the (original) first array, but other than that those appear to be the values that should intersect.

After a var_dump I am seeing that there is an extra space in each
element of one array, so no intersection occurs.

Well then there you have it... having an extra space means that the strings in the first array won't match the strings in the second array. Perhaps you can array_intersect(array_walk($array1, 'trim'), $array2)

you'd want array_map not array_walk in this case:

        array_intersect(array_map($array1, 'trim'), $array2)

also I found myself writing the following 2 funcs because the std
functions provided don't do what I 'mean'. e.g.:


 * array_intersect_keys()
 * returns the all the items in the 1st array whose keys
 * are found in any of the other arrays
 * @return array()
function array_intersect_keys()
    $args           = func_get_args();
    $originalArray  = $args[0];
    $res            = array();

    if(!is_array($originalArray)) { return $res; }

    for($i=1;$i<count($args);$i++) {
        if(!is_array($args[$i])) { continue; }
        foreach ($args[$i] as $key => $data) {
            if (isset($originalArray[$key]) && !isset($res[$key])) {
                $res[$key] = $originalArray[$key];

    return $res;

 * array_diff_keys()
 * returns the all the items in the 1st array whose
 * keys are not found in any of the other arrays
 * @return array()
function array_diff_keys()
    $args = func_get_args();
    $res  = $args[0];

    if(!is_array($res)) { return array(); }

    for($i=1;$i<count($args);$i++) {
        if(!is_array($args[$i])) { continue; }
        foreach ($args[$i] as $key => $data) {

    return $res;

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