Simplest way to do it IMHO.

When a user logs in (starts their session) register their username into the
session (that session is "bound" to them now).

On every page when a user does anything, update your database with the
current time as a "last_activity" entry for that user.

When showing who is currently logged in, get all the entries out and check
their dates. If the last activity is older than a certain amount of
acceptable time (how long it takes them to be considered "logged out". note:
people rarely use a logout button), then consider that user as not being
logged in.

Delete the entry so your "who's online" function doesn't hugely slow down
the page, and you should be good to go.

The only problem is that you have to do an update every time someone visits
a page, which increases your server load. But to avoid any noticable slow
down you could just use a register_shutdown_function.

I think that should handle your problem...

Should be working on something...
...but forgot what it was.

""Richard"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
9bfv6n$pds$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9bfv6n$pds$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Greetings.
>     Some of you are familiar with my latest project, a smaller community.
> have implemented almost everything I need, and I wish to thank those of
> who helped me with "which mail is new" and so forth. However, this problem
> is quite worse I suppose, but I hope some of you has done something like
> this before:
>     Sessions.
> I wish to keep track of every visitor. Not a counter or anything, but more
> of when a person signs in, the users nickname will be bound to this
> ID which will keep track of the person is online or offline. I have solved
> it like so:
>     Whenever a person loggs in, I add it's name to a online.dat file. When
> the user signs of, I remove the nickname thus the login time from the
> PROBLEMS?? First one: User must click on "logout" to remove itself.
> It does not always remove itself.
> Therefore, I ask: How can I create a new session for every visitor (so I
> know how many are online at the time), bind this ID to its nickname (so
> row in a file would be: NICKNAME|SESSION_ID|DATE), and how can I make sure
> that whenever the browser is closed or whatever, or after a certain time
> inactivity (3 minutes), the user is removed from the file.
> All help is greatly appriciated and your name will be on the credits list
> too.
> - Richard
> --
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