That would depend a lot:

Using your PHP/Webserver alone wouldn't be the best way of doing
things - unless you have no other choice. If you do have a choice, I
would use cron on Unix, and task schecduler, on windos, as mentioned
above. You could use these schecdulers to call a PHP CLI script.

If cron/taskManager isn't available to you, then all you can really
do, is perhaps use the first request send after the certain time to
perform the task. For example if you choose to send an email at 2pm
and someone visits your site at 2:05(assuming nobody visited between
2:00 and 2:04), then the mail would be sent at 2:05. The problem with
this would be that if nobody visited your site until 10pm, then your
emails will be 8 hours late, and if nobody visits your site until 3
days later, then your emails will be three days late..........

On 6/25/05, vlad georgescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i want to make a "reminder" application which sends emails at certain hour
> in php. is this posibile ? if not, what else can I use ?

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