On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Christian Reiniger wrote:
> Are you 100% sure that it's /bin/php ? That's a pretty unusual location 
> for PHP to be installed in. /usr/bin/php or /usr/local/bin/php are the 
> common ones

Yeah, my php interpreter is on /usr/bin/php, i just made a symlink on
/bin...,  but it's not the  problem, i tried with /usr/bin/php too!

> unneccessary if you leave out the -q
  I note this, i was just in test, 'cos without "q" dos not work too...

  I can execute the script on command line, and i get the expected output, 
but when i request it on my browser i get the Internal Server Error...

    .~.  Ulysses Almeida
 / (   ) \  Seja livre, use GNU/Linux!

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