Hi, I'm a novice trying to understand the exact construction of code for doing an HTTP 301 permanent redirect for a server coded in PHP. Could someone please tell me how I would handle the following example?
http://www.nimblepedic.com/services-bodytools.php?i=bodytools WANT TO DO A HTTP 301 REDIRECT TO: http://www.nimblepedic.com/services.php/body_tools Please only answer if you know exactly how to do so. The advise is very crucial to me. Thanks very much in advance Dr. Brad -- Dr. Brad R. Lustick/CEO & Ergonomic Supervisor Back Be Nimble--Your One-Stop Back Shop & Nimble-Pedic Memory Foam Products 2405 Rice Blvd. Houston, Texas, USA 77005 TOLL-FREE(USA only)-800-639-3746(ERGO) TEL. 713-521-0003 FAX. 713-521-2220 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tech Support: [EMAIL PROTECTED] website: http://www.backbenimble.com DISCLAIMER: All writings are purely the opinion of this author, and although meant to offer help and guidance, should not be considered as medical advice or in lieu of the recommendations of an attending physician or other health care professional.