On Wed, June 29, 2005 9:24 am, Andrew Scott said:
> At the end of the day you, the guy around the corner and even me will use
> what we need to use to get the job done. Don't get me wrong I like php, it
> has a good support for free stuff, but it's a pain in the butt to
> configure
> it into a full blown application without modifications, which some
> languages
> have built in.

Oddly enough, I prefer PHP because it *HAS* all the features ColdFusion
only has if you pay through the nose to Allaire (or whomever owns it this
week) or pay through the nose for custom tags to 20 different guys who
each have one of the features you need or...

In fact, does CF have *any* feature, at any price, that PHP doesn't?  I
think not.

I also *HATE* the muddled-up mess of CF tags, though that is obviously a
more subjective opinion.

If you like CF and want to use it, more power to you.  But you really are
wasting your time telling us it's got more features than PHP, which is
patently false.

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