I am unable to get php 5.0.4 working with Oracle (also
Apache 2.0.54). Running on SuSE 9.3.

When I look at the output of phpinfo() it shows OCI8 support enabled
as well as mysql support. (Mysql support works fine)

bongrip:/usr/local/apache2/modules # ldd libphp5.so
       linux-gate.so.1 =>  (0xffffe000)
       libcrypt.so.1 => /lib/libcrypt.so.1 (0x402c6000)
       libclntsh.so.10.1 =>
/u01/app/oracle/product/ (0x4048d000)

Here you can see it is correctly linked with the oracle client.
However, Ora_Logon and OCILogOn but fail with this error:

Call to undefined function ora_logon()/OCILogon()

$ORACLE_HOME/lib is defined in LD_LIBRARY_PATH of the environment that
is running the apache server, I also explictly set ORACLE_HOME in the
same environment as well as using SetEnv in the httpd.conf file.
(although I'm not getting to a point where ORACLE_HOME is an issue

I saw a document that said to build with --with-oci8 AND
--with-oracle, however --with-oracle doesn't work with 10g. (it
complains about not finding the correct libraries)

Any ideas? Does php 5.0.4 work with Oracle


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