On Tue, July 5, 2005 7:18 am, ChaosMedia > WebDev said:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <root><type4><id82><![CDATA[Interview David Martinez - Concepteur DVD HK
> Vidéo]]></id82></type4></root>

In my limited XML experience...

I have found that firing up the fancy XML parsers and tree-walkers and
XML-writers and all that stuff, pretty much entailed a *LOT* more work
than just hacking the file directly, and stuffing in the XML text that
need to be there, or reading the XML and using http://php.net/explode on

Obviously, this is a heretical and Luddite world-view, but there it is.

You can solve this problem in FIVE MINUTES with fopen/fwrite and go on to
something productive, or you can dink around for the next couple months
with giant software packages that basically are giving you NO ADDED VALUE
for what you want to do.  Take your pick.

Just my opinion.

I consider XML the biggest bugaboo since Y2K -- Blown all out of
proportion and over-saturated by hypesters who have NO CLUE what they're
talking about.

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