i have a problem with a code to upload files on server
here is the code 

$f =& $HTTP_POST_FILES['News_Pic'];

$dst_file_name = generateUniqueId();

$arr = split("\.",$f['name']);

$f['name'] = $dst_file_name;

$f['name'] .= ".".$arr[count($arr)-1];

$dest_dir = 'main/pictures';

$dest = $dest_dir . '/' .$f['name'];

$r = move_uploaded_file($f['tmp_name'], $dest);

$News_Pic = $f['name'];
chmod($dest, 777);

after uploading a file i check the folder and i find nothing uploaded
and when i check the MySQL Table for the filed of the name of the
picture i find this
it should be that random number followed by the extension, for example :
but this deosn't happen and the file is not uploaded
can anyone help me with this plz ?
Ahmed Abdel-Aliem
Web Developer
registered Linux user number 382789

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