""Alessandro Rosa"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I have a problem to record session data and I would you
> help me. I suppose there's something I missed in the general
> configurations during the last install, but I can't realize it.

Review the settings in php.ini. In particular look at the one below, which
means that the session data is persisted by means of cookies.

; Whether to use cookies.
session.use_cookies = 1

> I arranged a couple of simple files handling sessions, to show you my
> problem.
> I have a file index.php :
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <?php session_start();
> $_SESSION['user'] = "User";
> $_SESSION['psw'] = "Psw";

What happens if you try to echo these variables in index.php?

> ?>
> <a href="page2.php">Go!</a>
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> and then the file page2.php :
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <?php session_start();
> echo $_SESSION['user'];
> echo "<br/>";
> echo $_SESSION['psw'];
> ?>
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> But when page2.php is loaded, then a blank page is displayed.
> What's wrong with this?
> Thanks in advance.
> Alessandro

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