
Linda H wrote:
For those who didn't join this thread at the beginning, I'm running MySQL 4.0.21, Apache 2.0.52 and PHP 5.0.2 on a Windows XP system.

I installed in the sequence - MySQL, then Apache, then PHP. MySQL was running when the others were installed (which is what the book I am using seemed to indicate). Apache was not running when PHP was installed.

What does php.ini have for this line
display_errors = On

Now we are getting somewhere. Even though error_reporting was set to E_ALL, display_errors was Off. I set it On and now I'm getting an error.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\example\test_connect.php on line 15

do you have this in your php.ini extensions?
Make sure you extension path is referencing its location also so it can find it...
for example:
extension_dir = "c:/php/ext/"

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