On Tue, Jul 12, 2005 at 09:23:59PM +0300 or thereabouts, Ahmed Saad wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been around this list for a month or something but i just
> discovered today that all my replies weren't sent to the list but
> instead to the individual who sent the message. I haven't administered
> any list systems before but at Apache for example it appends a
> reply-to header pointing to the mailing list posting addresss
> (php-general@lists.php.net, in our case). You hit reply and type the
> message. I think it rather confusing as we have to add
> php-general@lists.php.net in CC or TO fields and it results in
> duplicate messages.
> Can the list administators can fix this? (appending the correct reply-to 
> header)

Hopefully they won't, please read

I use mutt, replying to a subscribed list (like this one) is simple. One simply
hits the 'L' key. Perhaps you need a good e-mail client ...

Steve A.
Monday Jul 18 2005 16:10:01 EDT
Os espinhos que colhi são da árvore que plantei.
                -- Lord Byron, poeta inglês

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