Adi Zebic wrote:
To print "state" of object in Java I can define toString() function and then I can do something like this:

Java exemple:
import java.util.*;

public class ReadTextFromFile
    private static String line;
    private static String Fable = new String ("");
    private static String NomFable;
    private static int cptLine = 0;
    private static int nbrPersonnes = 0;
    private static String nomPersonnes = new String ("");
    private static ArrayList AListe = new ArrayList(nbrPersonnes);

public String toString()
    return getClass().getName()
    + " [ Nom de la fable: "+  NomFable
    + "  <==>  Nombre de personnes dans dialogue: " + nbrPersonnes
    + " ] "

Is there similar kind of function in php that help us to print the state of object in his "life evolution"?

there is but it's use is limited and currently AFAIR it only works on 
internally defined
classes.... the method is called __toString() - from what I have read and 
played with it (not
recently though) the fucntionality is _bit_ 'halfbaked' - as in the internals 
guys are still
pondering how to imnplement this as nicely as possible.

an example:


class Test { function __toString() { return "testing 1,2,3\n"; } }
$t = new Test; echo $t; print($t);


the problem with implementing this is the fact that php is dynamically typed - 
and it
autocasts types all over the place - very handy BUT it makes a __toString() 
[magic] method
very hard to implement in a way that is obvious to the people using it (try 
playing around with
the SimpleXML extension to see how it can warp your brain! well it makes my 
head spin anyway :-)

but don't take my word for it - try it yourself, oh and also take a dive into 
the [php]internals mailing
list archives - lots has been discussed about this function AFAIR.



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