Justin Burger wrote:
Good Morning,
I was having a discussion with a fellow PHP Developer this morning and he
mentioned that he put's an '@' sign in front of all function calls, and
every time he accesses an array;

I know that this is sloppy, and dangerous, but I don't know exactly what
this exposes him to, can any one give me any real world examples of why
this is bad, so I can relate it to his code?

php.net does not have much information about this. It seems like
suppressing errors, rather then catching them is problematic.

in short what you monkey is doing sucks - if it was a good idea php
would be designed to output or log no errors at all... ever ... funnily
enough that's not they way it's designed.

knowing how to handle errors properly AND doing it is IMHO one of the
main differentiators between amateur and professional programmers -
of course the true wizards among us know when they can break the rules
(e.g. hack up some nasty little script that scratches an itch knowing
full well it 'breaks the rules') :-)

if I were you I would give serious weight to the words of John Nichel
on this matter - he might not admit it but he really knows where his towel

Thanks Again.


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