But WHY WHY WHY would one want to treat a string as a stream, when PHP has such good string handling functions?

THATS not been explained.

(Unless, knowing C and its limited string handling capabilities, one is looking for a familiar hammer.)

It's Friday - time to go socialize - Miles

PS How do you like Canada's new Governor General? Sharper looking than the average, middle-aged-to-ancient white male politico, which is what we have historically been saddled with. /mt

At 04:24 PM 8/5/2005, Eric Gorr wrote:
Jay Blanchard wrote:
Neither solution was particularly appealing which is why I asked the question.
I see. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. And I thought you wore looking
for a more precise function rather than the whole lot of things that can
be accomplished with isstringstream.

Looks like it wouldn't be terribly difficult to get something like this up and running.

I was just taking a look at:


I'm kinda surprised no one has written a wrapper for strings yet...

== Eric Gorr =============================== http://www.ericgorr.net ===

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