I use a special function just for reforming input, but they use the
following bits with PCRE:

 $replace_wordwhite = '/[^\w\s]/';
 $replace_word = '/\W/';
 $replace_num = '/\D/';
 $replace_email = '/[^\w\-\.@]/';

Works pretty well and it's quite useful for killing useless input without
returning errors, so the username (for instance) "B{o}b" it made into "Bob".
That way it's more or less forgiving of morons and malicious users alike :)

Should be working on something...
...but forgot what it was.

"Larry Hotchkiss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Im working on a site utilizing apaches/mysqp and of course php. Im
> working through the basic framwork creating forms to collect user input
> and do various searches etc. I was curious as to what most people find
> the best way keep thier mysql queries from getting messed up by user
> entered data. None of my searches or database data has or needs any sort
> of punctuation, so I was thinking of striping it all out from form
> input. What method is everyone else using?
> --
> Larry H.
> --
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