zedleon wrote:
I am new to php and am in need of some guidance
I am building a sticky form and am having trouble bringing in the data

sticky as in honey?

fields for
checkbox's and radio button's. Any help on how to do this would be

HTML  form sample
<input name="gmev[]" type="checkbox" id="gmev" value="September 9th"></th>

<input name="gmev[]" type="checkbox" id="gmev" value="<? echo $gmev_day

am I on the right track here?

maybe, partially - generally radio buttons and checkboxes have fixed values -
it's the 'are they selected' part that probably want to make dynamic...
basically you need to conditionally add the attribute 'checked' (i.e.
checked="checked") to the radios and checkboxes you want selected when the
form is first shown.



if ($thisChkBoxIsInitiallySelected) {
        $checked = ' checked="checked"';
} else {
        $checked = '';

echo '<input name="gmev[]" type="checkbox" id="gmev"',$checked,'/>';


of course there are a million different ways to write this kind of thing
(i.e. don't take my example verbatim perse) but hopefully you get the idea.


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