Richard Lynch wrote:
On Tue, August 23, 2005 12:48 am, Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:

Kim Steinhaug (php list) wrote:

I'm using this method, works fine with 50mb+ files :

   if( $fd  = fopen ($filepath, 'r')){
     while(!feof($fd)) {
       $buffer = fread($fd, 2048);
       print $buffer;
     fclose ($fd);

Is there a reason why you assign the output of fread() to a variable
then print it? Why not just:

print(fread($fd, 2048));

which would be faster because it doesn't need to assign to a variable,
wouldn't it? Maybe I'm missing something..

You're not missing anything, but a 2 K string buffer assignment/print
is probably not gonna save much...

Benchmark it both ways and see.

I benched this with a 100 MiB text file (largest I could find at short notice). Buffer used for fread() calls was 2 KiB as above.

Values are averaged over 100 runs (I would have liked to do more, but I don't have time). All values are to 4 significant figures.

Assigning to a variable and then printing took 0.5206 sec

Printing directly without assigning to any variable took 0.5178 sec

readfile() took 0.4632 sec

print(file_get_contents()) took 0.7037 sec

Therefore, readfile() is the fastest, print(file_get_contents()) most definitely the slowest, and it makes ****-all difference between assigning the buffer to a variable and not, at least for files around 100 MiB.


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