On Wed, August 24, 2005 3:20 am, Uroš Gruber wrote:
> I have XML and I would like to set some values. I almost done the
> whole
> thing but have some problems when looping through some tags
> <foo>
>    <bar id="1" name="bar1" />
>    <bar id="2" name="bar2" />
>    ...
> </foo>
> I would like to set value for tag "bar" in some loop and then export
> this back to XML. Is this even possible or it's better to use
> SimpleXML
> only for read and create new XML from it.
> XML is about 20 rows of data and I'm using PHP 5.0.4 with all XML
> included.

Maybe PHP 5 + SimpleXML really is that simple, but...

For 20 lines of text, you could probably write a function with explode
and implode and have it done in an hour...

  $bars = explode("<bar", $text);
  while (list(, $bar) = each($bars)){
    preg_match('/.*id="(.*)" name="(.*)".*/', $bar, $parts);
    $id = $parts[1];
    $name = $parts[2];
    //Do whatever you want with id and name and:
    echo "<bar id=\"$id\" name=\"$name\" />\n";

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