In this code, I'm not getting the value of $list passed to the Mailman page.
I've checked this umpteen times by now, but fail to see the error. I've
beaten myself suitably with a steel ruler -- but it didn't help. Nor does
the cold I'm coming down with I suppose.

Anyone see the error, and feel like pointing it out to me?

Martin S

print "<H2><B>Join the lists</b></H2>";
print "<FORM Method=POST
ACTION='' . $lista . '><br>'";
print "Your E-mail address: <INPUT type=\"Text\" name=\"email\" size=\"30\"
print "Your Name (optional): <INPUT type=\"Text\" name=\"fullname\"
size=\"30\" value=\"\"><br><br>";
print "Lista: <select name=\"lista\" />";
print "<option value=\"\">Tävling</option>";
print "<option value=\"\">JGP</option>";
print "<option value=\"\">Styrelse</option>";
print "</select><br>";
print "You may enter a privacy password below. This provides only mild
security, but should<br>
 prevent others from messing with your subscription. <b>Do not use a
valuable password</b> as it<br>
 will occasionally be emailed back to you in cleartext.<br><br>
 If you choose not to enter a password, one will be automatically generated
for you, and it will<br>
 be sent to you once you've confirmed your subscription. You can always
request a mail-back<br>
 of your password when you edit your personal options.<br><br>";
 print "Would you like to receive list mail batched in a daily digest? (You
may choose NoMail after you join.)<BR><br>";
 print "<input type=radio name=\"digest\" value=\"0\" CHECKED> No <input
type=radio name=\"digest\" value=\"1\"> Yes<br><br>";
 print "<INPUT type=\"Submit\" name=\"email-button\" value=\"Subscribe\">";
 print "</FORM>";

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