
I write one Java class that gives my name back. I implemented the call of
this Java class in php Unit, but there are some problems, because I will to
make only one time the instance of Java class and put it into Session and
everytime when the page is reloaded to load the Java object from the
By first time calling the php unit its work, but after reloading the unit
(in the example below, after clicking the button Send) I get everytime

The example:
  echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">";
  if (!isset($_SESSION['P_User'])) {
    echo "Class not set<br>";
    $t = new Java("User");
    $_SESSION['P_User']= $t;
  } else {
    echo "Class set<br>";
  $t1= $_SESSION['P_User'];
  echo $t1->getUserName();
  echo '<input type="submit" value="Send" name="B1">';
  echo "</form>"

What I want to do, is to make only one time a instance of java class and to
use this object during the session (Internet browser of client) is opened
and not to create everytime the java instance by reloading or requesting
other php Unit.

Jerinic Stasa

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