symbulos wrote:
Nuno Pereira wrote:

Classified by what? When? Where?
What has PHP to do with it?

The question is very ambiguous...

Some of the messages I send to php.general (this newsgroup), get classified
as [suspicious - maybe spam]. What I mean is, the [suspicious - maybe spam]
gets added to the subject of the email. I believe it has to do with the
php.general newsgroup.

I don't think so. I suspect that the problem is in the middle, i.e., some SPAM detector of your email provider, or some plugin/feature of your email reader (Kmail). Please send the headers of one message that is marked as [suspicious - maybe spam] to the list, to me and/or to the list admin, in order to see what is the problem. You can do that selecting that message, and select "View -> Message source" (or whatever option Kmail has to do that) and copy-paste the message until the start of the message (or the entire source).

Nuno Pereira

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