Vizion wrote:
> Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference 
> in /usr2/virtualwebs/ on line 
> 369
> Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference 
> in /usr2/virtualwebs/ on line 
> 369
> Line 369 indicated by  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> function &_unserialize( $serial ) {
>               if( function_exists( 'gzinflate' ) ) {
>                       $decomp = @gzinflate( $serial );
>                       if( false !== $decomp ) {
>                               $serial = $decomp;
>                       }
>               }
>               return unserialize( $serial );
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>       }

A pretty standard case of someone not really understanding references in
PHP.  There is no need for this function to return a reference.  They
are likely doing it to try to avoid a copy, but no copy will be made in
the standard return by value case.  Simply remove the & from the
function definition to get rid of this notice.

> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> *******************************************************************
> SECOND error -- Error line 136 indicated by ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> *******************************************************************
> Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference 
> in /usr2/virtualwebs/ on line 
> 136
>       function decr($key, $value=1) {
>               if ( !$this->lock($key) ) {
>                       return false;
>               }
>               $value = intval($value);
>               if($value < 0) $value = 0;
>               $m = false;
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>               if( ($n = $this->get($key)) !== false ) {
>                       $m = $n - $value;
>                       if($m < 0) $m = 0;
>                       $this->set($key, $m); // exptime?
>               }
>               $this->unlock($key);
>               return $m;
>       }

Are you sure you have the right code snippet here?  That's not a return
line and I see no references there.


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