Graham Anderson wrote:
> <?php
> $quote = "\"";
> $xml = '';
> $xml .= '<?xml version="1.0"?>'."\n";
> $xml .= '<?quicktime type="application/x-qtskin"?>'."\n";
> $xml .= '<skin>'."\n";
> $xml .= '<movie src=' . $quote.   "../../" .  $quote.     
> '/>'."\n";
> $xml .= '<contentregion src=' .$quote.  "../images/mask.gif" .    
> $quote.   '/>'."\n";
> $xml .= '<dragregion src=' .  $quote. "../images/drag.gif" .   $quote.  
>  '/>'."\n";
> $xml .= '</skin>';
> header('Content-Type: video/quicktime'); //took out a space
> header ("Content-Length: ".strlen($xml));  // added a space
> echo $xml;
> ?>

Wow, that is nasty.  There is probably a syntax error in there.  Use a
heredoc in cases like this.  Something like this:

$xml = <<< EOB
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?quicktime type=...

Much less likely to make mistakes this way since you don't need to
escape anything (except $) and you can still use variables in the block
of text.


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