Yes thx, but it seems that my tree is build allright, I just can't get it
out on print...
I have in my add() function a printout and from this I believe that the tree
is build allright. All the treenodes are added to the correct subtree

function add($currentNode)
//This function is used to add a TreeNode, $currentNode to the subtree
print "parent: ". $this->id ." New node: ". $currentNode->id ."<br>";
$this->subtree[] = $currentNode;

""Chris Lee"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
9bo0a6$v92$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9bo0a6$v92$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
this is my make_tree() function like your make_node() I think

  function _make_tree($category_id)
   global $database;

   static $padding = -1;

   foreach($database->select_array('', 'category', "WHERE category_parent =
$category_id ORDER BY category_name") as $pos => $result)
    $id = $result['category_id'];

    $category_id[$id]   = $result['category_id'];
    $category_parent[$id] = $result['category_parent'];
    $category_name[$id]  = $result['category_name'];

   if (isset($category_id))
    foreach ($category_id as $pos => $val)
     $this->category_id[$pos]   = $category_id[$pos];
     $this->category_parent[$pos]  = $category_parent[$pos];
     $this->category_name[$pos]    = $category_name[$pos];
     $this->level[$pos]       = str_repeat('&nbsp;', $padding * 2);


all you need is three fields, the categories id, the categories parent, and
the categories name. recusion is tricky stuff :)


 Chris Lee

""Johan Evers Petersen"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
9bnn77$524$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9bnn77$524$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
I'm Newbie - sorry if this is the wrong list!

I'm trying to print this treestructure I've made, but it doesn't seem to
print more than the first level. The
 subtree array of the children is empty, perhaps because I do not
use the correct reference passing?

Thank you for helping me out.
This is the code:
require('database.php'); // $databaseis defined here $database = new db();
class TreeNode
 var $data;  //Database object reference
 var $id;  //Unique ID from the database
 var $subtree; //Array of treenodes that are the children of $currentNode
 var $level;  //Level in the tree. The toplevel = 0  function TreeNode($id,
$data, $level) //Constructor
  $this->id = $id;
  $this->data = $data;
  $this->level = $level;
  $this->subtree = array();
 }  function add($currentNode)
  //This function is used to add a TreeNode, $currentNode to the subtree
  print "parent: ". $this->id ." New node: ". $currentNode->id ."<br>";
  $this->subtree[] = $currentNode;
 }  function output()
  for ($i=0;$i<count($this->subtree);$i++)
   $tree =& $this->subtree[$i];
      if (is_object($tree))
   print "ID: ".$tree->id."<BR>";
      print "Count: ".count($tree->subtree)."<BR>";
  } /*  foreach ($this->subtree as $tree) //Skal være en while løkke, da
$tree->subtree er tomt.
      if (is_object($tree))
      print "ID: ".$tree->id."<BR>";
} //Initialize
$treetop = new TreeNode(0, 0, -1);  // You have to have a start position
$nodehash = array();    // This is only used to find the parents //Make the
$sql = "SELECT * FROM page_table WHERE visible=1 ORDER BY id, title";
$query = new query($database, $sql); while ($obj = $query->getobj())
  if($obj->parent_id > 0){ //If the node is not on the toplevel
   $parent =& $nodehash["id_$obj->parent_id"]; //Finds the parent in the
   $parent =& $treetop;   //If the node is on the toplevel then the parent
is $treetop
  $level = $parent->level + 1; //The tree level of $currentNode is of course
one more than the $parent (level
 is not stored in db)  //when we have found the level of $currentnode we are
ready to construct the
 $currentNode using the parameters
 from the database and the $level
  $currentNode = new TreeNode($obj->id, $obj, $level);
  $nodehash["id_$obj->id"] = $currentNode; //Insert the $currentNode into
the $nodehash so we can find it again
 if it has any children
  $parent->add($currentNode); //Use the add function of the $parent to put
$currentNode into $parent's subtree

//Something has to be printed out...

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