Mikey wrote:
Al wrote:
I've got a php script that checks certain file permissions and if not
OK for writing, chmods as required.
I can use ftp_site(); but, prefer not to because the code is not
readily transportable. Requires ftp login.
I'd like a simple cgi file that can be called by my script as needed.
My cgi file works OK if I call directly in my cgi-bin directory. e.g.,
$file= '/EditPage/test2.php';
$perms= 0746;
if(!file_exists($pfile)) echo "<div style=\"color:red;
font-weight:bold\">$pfile does not exist.</div>";
chmod($pfile, $perms);
echo "New file permissions for $pfile: ". substr(sprintf('%o',
fileperms($pfile)), -3);
But, I can't get the cgi file to execute when using "include
/path/perm.cgi". in the php test function.
I guess it is because the cgi assumes it is running in the directory
with the php that called it.
Linux php3.9.11 virtual host
Anyone have a suggestion.
My guess would be that your webserver isn't running as the same user as
your shell account - for details on how to fix this, please have go at
They are the same.
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