Cool...that's exactly what I was looking for!!

"Torgny Bjers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Chris wrote:
>> I'd like to save some program preferences to a txt file where they can be
>> recalled and updated at a later time. Basically this will be a variable
>> name
>> and a value. Can someone suggest a reference or method to best perform
>> this
>> task?
>> Thanks
>> Chris
>> BTW: I do not want to use MySql.
> Write a regular Windows .ini file like:
> ; My INI-file (this is a comment line):
> key = value
> key2 = value2
> ; It even works with PHP constants (defines) in the ini file
> key3 = E_ALL
> Reading it in is simple, use parse_ini_file():
> You can also keep sections in the .ini file such as:
> ; a section name uses []
> [section1]
> key = value
> [section2]
> key = value
> To write this down is easy, just do a foreach on your associative array
> and write to a string that you then save into a file if you wish to
> update the values here.
> Warm Regards,
> Torgny

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