On Mon, 2005-10-03 at 14:51, John Taylor-Johnston wrote:
> Is that over kill? No matter how I slam it, still referring to my 
> Frankensteinian merge, "unset" does the job.
> http://testesp.flsh.usherbrooke.ca/db/trolley.php
> But then again, I will not require a quanity of items. The visitor will 
> only want one copy of a bibliographic entry :-\ - I hope?!
> You were checking to see if there was a greater than 1 quantity of 
> post[RNum], right?

Yep the frankensteinian version should work fine if you never want a
quantity greater than one, I was just trying to head off problems before
they occurred, but confused the issue since you don't need quantities :)

I took a look at your link and it appears to be working fine, though you
haven't yet wired up the viewcart.php page :)

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