Hey guys,

Having trouble coming up with a solution to this idea I am trying to

I have a "Coupon" table.

I am creating radonly generated coupon codes that go into this table. 12
chars in length - both number and letters - all lowercase.

I figure I need to do the following:

1) generate the radon coupon code;

2) Do query against thethe table to pull out all the currently entered codes;

3) Loop through all codes to see if any match the randomly generated code;

4) if a match exists, generate code again and keep doing this until we
have a code that doesn't match;

5) If a match doesn't exist, insert code into DB and continue with rest of
my process.

What I am unsure of is how to loop through all codes in the DB and match
against current randomly generated code and if a match exists, keep
generating new random codes until one doesn't exist.

Any ideas on how to go about this?

Thank you in advance. Seems pretty simple I'm sure. Just confused on the



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