Claudio schrieb:

> I'm using PHP 5. I have a class operation that includes php files.
> Is there a way to include this files to global scope? So that difined vars 
> and functions are global accesseble?

I know this problem from my early PHP days. If your problem is that you
want to include some class or function libraries then the simple
solution is: Do not include inside the function or class but let the
class or function just return the path name!

So instead of

  function include_lib($name)
    $path='functions/'.$name.'.php'; // or more werid stuff


  function lib_path($name)
    $path='functions/'.$name.'.php'; // or more werid stuff
    return $path;

Perhaps your problem is exactly of this type or similar.

Inara: "It sounds like the sort of thing this crew can handle. I can't
guarantee they'll handle it particularly well, but..."
Nandi: "If they got guns, and brains at all..."
Inara: "They've got guns."
[firefly 113]

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