On 11/4/05, Unknown Unknown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone, i have some code that proccesses a login form. i have an object
> $DB which works only in SOME areas, this is the code:
> $DB="membersp";
> $SQL="SELECT ID FROM membersonline WHERE ID='$ID' ";
> $DB->Query($SQL);
> i get an error saying:
> *Fatal error*: Call to a member function Query() on a non-object in *
> D:\Apache\Apache(re)\Apache2\htdocs\LoginP.php* on line *21*
> but before line 21 i use $DB and it works fine, but line 21 is a problem,
> any help appreciated

You've not indicated which is line 21, but I presume it's the bit
shortly after you assigned a string to $DB. A string is not an object,
hence the error message.


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