On 11/9/05 7:20 PM, GamblerZG wrote:
James Benson wrote:

Would it not be better something like valid_email()


Anyway, I agree that PHP needs such function.

Check out http://pecl.php.net/package/filter

$clean['email'] = input_get(INPUT_POST, 'email', FL_EMAIL);

I've been playing around with this for a while, and it should be noted that it's still in beta and should not be used in a production environment, but it's a promising step. The e-mail regex that's used isn't perfect, and it won't support RFC-compliant addresses, but I hope to put a little bit of work into it to help out with this.

In the meantime, check out PEAR::Mail, which includes Mail_RFC822 that can be used to validate e-mail addresses. Also, if your PHP is compiled --with-imap, then you can use imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist() to validate e-mail addresses.

Ben Ramsey

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