Why not just store the filename?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Keyur Kalaria" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2001 9:52 AM
Subject: [PHP] problem with storing & displaying image in db

> Hello everybody,
> I am facing a strange problem while uploading and displaying images in a
> database table.
> I have taken blob field to store the images.
> Images which are less then around 100kb are stored & displayed properly
> images which are greater than 100kb are giving problems while displaying
> although no errors were generated while inserting them in database.
> what could be the problem ? is it due to the blob type ?
> i am using the following statements to insert the file to database.
> insert.php
> ***********************************
> $imgsize=GetImageSize($photofile);
> $photo=addslashes(fread(fopen($photofile, "r"), filesize($photofile)));
> $query="insert into photo(photoformat,photo,photowidth,photoheight) values
> ('$photoformat','$photo',$imgsize[0],$imgsize[1])";
> $photoformat, $photofile are the input fields of the form which is
> submitted.
> ***********************************
> in my html pages i use the following <img> :
> <img src=display.php?id=1>
> and my display.php is as follows:
> display.php
> ***********************************
> $query="select * from photo where id='$id'";
> $result=mysql_query($query);
> $photo_rec=mysql_fetch_array($result);
> Header( "Content-type: image/$photo_rec[photoformat]; name=".microtime());
> echo $photo_rec["photo"];
> ***********************************
> Thanks in advance
> Keyur
> $$$$$$$
> --
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