On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 03:33:22AM +0530, Yaswanth Narvaneni wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a server written in C++ and my webpages are in PHP. The PHP has
> to communicate with the server using shared memory. This was working
> fine on the server running FC-1 with php-4.3.8. We recently migrated
> to CentOS 4.1 (Equivalent to RHEL 4.1) running php-4.3.9. The error it
> displays is as follows:
> shmop_open(): unable to attach or create shared memory segment in
> /var/www/html/sharedmem.php on line 2
> The server opens the shm in 666 (originally was 644) even then it was
> not working. I can see the shared mem open using 'ipcs' command.
> ...
> $shm_id = shmop_open($shm_key, "a",0,0) or die("FATAL ERROR:: Unable
> to Access Shared Memory");

You might want to try to open it within the same mode that the
server created it in:

  $shm_id = shmop_open($shm_key, "a",0666,0);

  are you 100% sure the key is valid? the error message you are
  getting seems to point in this direction since the shmop_open is
  failing on the C call to shmget(), wich usually fails when either
  you dont have enough memory to create it (which you arn't doing),
  some other creation problems, or that the key supplied wasn't


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